Monday, April 25, 2016

How To Know If You Need To Hire A Forensic Accountant

Forensic Accountant
If you have been robbed or financially taken advantage of in any way you may need to hire a forensic accountant in order to seek justice. A forensic accountant is a trained professional that combines a host of skills to investigate financial cases from the inside out.

There are many reasons people hire Forensic Accountants, ranging to include suspected company fraud and even divorce.  You can accuse someone of taking millions of dollars from you, but you must prove it on paper for the courts to take it as truth. Forensic Accountants serve as expert witnesses in charge of researching, analyzing and then presenting the facts in a persuasive and undisputable manner to judges, jurors and mediators.

Attorneys, insurers, creditors and many other entities hire forensic accountants to conduct research and present findings as witness testimony in court.  It takes an experienced accountant for the job, someone great at crunching all the right numbers to reveal a raw look at overall damages in totality. As well as someone that knows where to look to find the most telling of damages. This helps prove exactly how much money you are owed to make right a wrong.

You May Benefit From A Forensic Accountant If…

You Suffered Commercial Damages: Forensic accountants provide the expert witness testimony you need to prove unjust commercial losses in court. They not only present the facts but they do the research to pinpoint complex matters involving breach of contract, product liability, fraud, construction claims, intellectual property infringement and so forth.

Employees Were Caught Stealing From Your Business: Business/employee fraud relations are complex. Every last dollar that was taken out from under you deserves to be returned. The only way to know the full sum total of damages is to have a forensic accountant investigate the situation. Many methods are used throughout these types of investigations including tracing of funds, suspect interviews, forensic intelligent gathering and more.

You Are Going Through A Messy Divorce: Divorce is one of the most stressful life experiences, but a good forensic accountant can be a valuable member on your team. When splitting assets, a forensic accountant is often required to make sure all parties are given their fair share. They are also hired to uncover how much income one should pay for spousal or child support.

Your Commercial Insurance Is Not Following Through On Claims: If you are not being properly supplemented through commercial insurance you may need this type of accountant to investigate coverage issues as well as calculate how much is owed in losses. The actual losses of the insured individual are assessed in regards to their current financial picture to determine how much coverage is owed.

You Have A Personal Injury Claim: Under these sorts of circumstances, the investigator puts together a sum total picture of losses and damages including everything from medical bills to lost wages. These claims may involve wrongful termination, medical malpractice, wrongful death cases and more.

You Are Involved In A Shareholder or Partnership Dispute: If partners are having disputes over who gets what, a forensic accountant will take a look at the entire picture, down to every last number. As a result, they come up with the exact amount of compensation or benefits owed to each shareholder or partner.

When To Hire A Forensic Accountant

It’s better to hire a forensic accountant early on in a lawsuit so that the opposing party does not have the opportunity to retain your expert. A forensic accountant knows how to get the discovery process moving quickly in the right direction, saving you time, money and hassles from the start.

Forensic accountants are useful in different elements of court cases. In fact, many cases would end much differently without their expert testimony. A forensic accountant is only as good as his or her track record. You want to hire someone that knows their stuff and has a strong background in accounting and financial analysis, as well as strong communication skills and the drive to never give up.  

DGK will proudly stand as your partner in and out of the courtroom! We do all of the research and analysis to back you up on paper, as well as present our findings in a way that the judge, jurors and mediators understand and accept as fact. When it comes to messy battles that involve money, you don’t want to go at it alone. With DGK on your side you never have to.

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